6 Prevalent Misconceptions Surrounding Sleep Apnoea
In today’s era of readily accessible information, distinguishing reality from myth can pose a challenge. Here, we shed light on 6 prevalent misconceptions surrounding sleep apnoea.
Misconception #1: Sleep Apnoea Is just Snoring
Reality: Though snoring may signal sleep apnoea, a crucial disparity exists between habitual snoring and a diagnosed sleep disorder. Sleep apnoea entails intermittent cessations of breathing lasting from 10 to 30 seconds, recurring throughout the night, potentially numbering in the hundreds. These interruptions often culminate in abrupt gasps or snorts, disrupting the natural sleep cycle and resulting in daytime exhaustion.
Misconception#2: Sleep Apnoea Is Of Little Consequence
Reality: Repeated nocturnal breathing disruptions exact a significant toll on both mind and body. Such disturbances escalate daytime weariness, impair focus, disrupt appetite and weight management, impede coping mechanisms, elevate stress levels, and compromise overall health.
Misconception #3: Sleep Apnoea Afflicts Only the Elderly
Reality: Sleep apnoea disregards age and gender, affecting individuals across the demographic spectrum. While more prevalent in adults over 40, it can manifest in anyone, including children.
Misconception #4: Sleep Aids Ensure Relief from Sleep Apnoea
Reality: Contrary to popular belief, substances like alcohol, sleeping pills, and natural remedies fail to stave off sleep apnoea. Instead, they induce muscle relaxation, heightening the risk of airway obstruction and exacerbating the condition.
Misconception #5: Sleep Apnoea Solely Afflicts the Obese
Reality: While obesity is a common predisposing factor, obstructive sleep apnoea transcends weight alone. It can afflict individuals with significant muscle mass or enlarged necks, irrespective of their physical fitness level. Weight reduction may mitigate symptoms, underscoring the importance of consulting a physician regarding tailored interventions.
Misconception #6: Surgery Is The Only Option
Reality: An array of solutions exists for managing sleep disorders, extending beyond surgical interventions. Orthodontic interventions, nasal passage enhancements, positional adjustments during sleep, and CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) therapy offer viable alternatives.
Hopfully, unravelling the 6 prevalent misconceptions surrounding sleep apnoea will hep you to make informed decisions regarding your health. If you think you suffer from sleep apnoea, we welcome you to reach out for further guidance and assistance.
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